P-Campus-Ringvorlesung am 28.09.23
Am 28. September findet der nächste Vortrag der P-Campus-Ringvorlesung 2023 statt. Dr. Kerstin Panten vom Julius Kühn-Institut spricht über "Agronomic evaluation of secondary phosphorus fertilisers and the implementation process for these as component material categories (CMCs) in EU Regulation 2019/1009".
Der Vortrag wird online per Webex übertragen und beginnt um 15:00 Uhr.
The P taken up by organisms cannot be synthesized from any other element. In 2014, the only source of an increasing P demand for feeding the growing global population was mineable rock phosphate, upgraded to mineral P fertiliser. Concerns about the global reserves of rock phosphates, expressed in terms of “peak phosphorus” (demand > production) alarmed the public and policy makers. Possibly, there is no other basic commodity in developed economies that compares with P in terms of vital importance and foreseeable limitations on the one hand and regional over-consumption with adverse environmental effects on the other. The European Union (EU) relies nearly exclusively on imports of phosphate rock and therefore inserted phosphate rock into the European list of critical raw materials in 2014.
Anyhow, by 2014 great achievements had been made in recycling P from wastewater, sewage sludge and other materials. In fact, a range of P recycling products had been developed and tested; e.g., ashes, chars and struvites. However, these products had been evaluated mostly by short-term laboratory, pot or plot experiments. The knowledgebase at this time was considered insufficient to overcome marked barriers for such new products. In the framework of the BMBF funded project InnoSoilPhos (2015-2024) multi-year field experiments were established evaluating the agronomic efficiency of such newly developed P fertilisers. Results of these experiments as well as from some pot experiments will be presented.
In 2016, calculations revealed that recovered P in the EU could replace about 40 % of the actually applied P fertilisers. Unfortunately, none of these newly developed fertilisers could be marketed due to national and EU wide regulations. At about the same time, a new EU Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2019/1009) was developed laying down rules on the making available on the market of EU fertilising products repealing Regulation (EC) 2003/2003. Purpose of this new regulation was to provide rules for fertilising products that will be made available CE marked on the EU market. With the newly emerging secondary P fertilisers from recycling processes it was realised that amendments to Regulation (EU) 2019/1009 would be necessary in the future. Consequently, a sub-group (STRUBIAS) of the Commission Expert Group on Fertilisers were set up to develop possible process and product criteria for struvite, biochar, and ash-based products for use in fertilising products in 2016. Between 2016-2019 detailed criteria were compiled and lead finally to the amendment of Regulation (EU) 2019/1009 with three further component material categories (CMCs) by 16th of July 2022 for precipitated phosphate salts (CMC 12), thermal oxidation materials (CMC 13), and pyrolysis and gasification materials (CMC 14). Fertilisers from these materials can now be marketed with a CE label after running through a conformity assessment procedure.