Press release I (GERMAN) Press release II (GERMAN) (ENGLISH)
The Leibniz ScienceCampus Phosphorus Research Rostock is pleased to host the
8th International Phosphorus Workshop (IPW8) in Rostock (Germany), September 12-16, 2016
Phosphorus (P) is of vital importance for all life on Earth. It is a major component in animal feed and plant fertilizers but, when present in excess, also a disruptive element in freshwater and marine water bodies. Today, limitations in global mineral P resources have strengthened the demand for efficient alternative P sources and for P-recycling technologies. The International Phosphorus Workshops (IPWs) are well-known for presenting the latest results of research into agricultural and environmental P cycles as well as new methods of P analysis. Recently, environmental problems arising from P surplus on the one hand side and the implications for food production posed by P deficiencies on the other have made fair and sustainable P distribution a societal challenge. Therefore, at the IPW8, P governance will be an important focus. In addition, given the research interests of the hosting Leibniz-ScienceCampus, the role of P in catalytic reactions and technical applications will debut as a workshop topic. Other topics, addressing subjects ranging from the atomic/molecular to the societal, are guaranteed to stimulate interesting and productive transdisciplinary discussions covered by the IPW8. The themes of the workshop are: